Final Project
Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Status in Eau Claire, Wisconsin Goals/Introduction The goal of this geospatial project was to identify regions within Eau Claire County that would best support a new Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) State Areas For wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) site for the Karner Blue Butterfly. (KBB) This project is of importance because the KBB is an endangered species with specific requirements for growth and development. The CRP SAFE sites focus on these measurements. The sites are contracted areas of land set aside by farmers in accordance with NRCS standards. The farmers receive a monetary benefit for these contracted sites and the butterflies have more available habitat as a result. The sites aim to preserve/restore native plant prairie/open oak savannah species which are more able to meet the needs of the KBB, along with other species of butterfly. A specific seed mix is used for the sites to ensure that the desired spread of plants is most li...